The Florida Society of the Social Sciences will host our 11th annual conference, Pushing Boundaries: Extending Reach and Amplifying Voice in Social Science Research on March 19th, 2016 at the University Auditorium. This year’s conference will feature Dr. Patricia Hill Collins, Ph.D.
For more information please view or program here and like the event of Facebook using this link.
The event is free and open to the public, and the outlined schedule is as follows:
7:30 A -8:00 A Registration and Breakfast
8:00 A – 9:15 A Session 1
9:30 A – 11:00 A Welcome and Keynote Address
11:15 A -12:30 P Session 2
12:30 P -1:30 P Lunch
1:30 P- 2:45 P Session 3
3:00 P – 4:00 P Session 4
4:15 P – 5:00 P Closing Remarks
Parking information
Link to an interactive campus map:
Link to campus parking map:
Please note that Visitor Parking is in pink on the map

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
UF Office of Research,
Student Government,
African American Studies Program,
Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere,
Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research,
Department of Anthropology,
Department of History,
Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law,
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Affairs,
Samuel Proctor Oral History Program
Keep in touch,
Florida Society of the Social Sciences (★←You are here.)
F3S is on Facebook!