Like many aspects of academic life, F3S life is seasonal. That got us thinking…
Many social science and humanities conference calls for abstracts are concentrated in the September-January months.
Take NSF’s Sociology Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Awards, for example: Applications due Oct 17, 2016.
Now is a great time to work in several brief spells or a few big pushes to move applications, projects (and conference organizing!) forward.
Know of an opportunity around the corner in your discipline?
Have tips for mental, social and academic well-being in the summer months or beyond?
Want to be more deeply involved in F3S, but not sure how?
Stop by our Facebook page to let your F3S colleagues know. Or, send us an email and we’ll be glad to reply and/or disseminate as appropriate.
Keep in touch,
Florida Society of the Social Sciences (★←You are here.)
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